Bombay High Court has upheld the death sentence on Ajmal Kasab, the terrorist caught in the Mumbai attacks in 26/11. The Home Minister has hailed this verdict he verdict of the Bombay high court confirming the death penalty to the Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab in the 26/11 terror attack case, was today received by the people with bursting of fire crackers,
The main opposition party said that the execution of Kasab's sentence may be stalled just like that of parliament attack convict Afzal Guru. 'Afzal Guru is still in the queue to be hanged even after the Supreme Court verdict, Terming as "historic" the upholding of the death sentence of Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab by the court, he said, "It signifies the triumph of the Indian judicial system, Indian democracy that we could conduct a free and fair trial