AIIMS Exams and 2011 AIIIMS Exam Results. AIIMS Exams and Results will be announced shortly. AIIMS Exams and Results at the official AIIMS website
Here is the first page to check your AIIMS exam Results for the year 2011,for the students who took the AIPGMEE 2011 recently,
One more link to check your AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam results is
And more to that, is the link to Checkout your Aiims Entrance Exam 2011 Result's or AIPGMEE 2011 Results, by following information like Name of Exam, Roll Number, Name as in Application, DoB for All India Entrance Examination for Admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma & MDS (AIPGMEE) on February, 15.
All the best for your results