Forbes List for the year 2011: lakshmi mittol & Mukesh ambhani are in Top 10.


Forbes List for the year 2011: lakshmi mittol & Mukesh ambhani are in Top 10.

Thursday, March 10, 2011 | Tags: , , , ,
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Forbes List for the year 2011 of Billionaires has been published by Forbes magazine today on March 10, 2011. Get here the detailed information about Top 20 Billionaires of Forbes List for the year 2011 of as Forbes list of billionaires is based on an annual assessment. The number of Indian billionaires did not change with Lakshmi Mittal occupying the sixth spot with a whopping $31.1Billion while Mukesh Ambani stands on the ninth spot of Forbes List for the year 2011 of as the second billionaire from India on the Forbes list with an amount of $27 Billion.

On the number one spot of Forbes List for the year 2011 is the world’s richest man is the great Telecom Tycoon from Mexico, Carlos Slim Helu and family with a net worth of $74 Billion for this Forbes List for the year 2011.Carlos withholds the first spot for the second year in a row making him a consistent achiever. In the past year Carlos had $20.5 Billion while this year he has generated triple the value.

Steve Forbes the chief executive of Forbes informed media about Forbes List for the year 2011  in a news conference that the bottom line comprises of Asia Pacific, BRICs and commodities.Adding to this he also said that the commodity boom is not a consistent gain and as commodities go up quick, they can even fall in the same manner.

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