Tintumon Jokes | Tintu Mon Proverbs | Tintumon on Exam Hall | Tintumon and Daddy |


Tintumon Jokes | Tintu Mon Proverbs | Tintumon on Exam Hall | Tintumon and Daddy |

Friday, October 15, 2010 | Tags: , , , ,
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"I love to walk in the rain becoz no body can see my tears" – Charlie Chaplin

Now the Tintumon Version

"I love to walk in fog, because nobody can see me smoking" – Tintumon.

Passer By : Why are you crying?
Tintumon: The elephant is dead.
man: Was he your pet?
Tintumon: No, but I’m the one who must dig his grave.

Tintumon got his science test Results.

Dad: You got zero out of ten?
Tintumon: No,i got full marks. She gave a moon insted of a star because she ran out of stars.

Tintumon and the Teacher at exam Hall:

Teacher- Why are you under tension ? did you forget ur hall ticket?

tintumon - No

Teacher - ID or calculator ?

Tintumon - no teacher, by mistake i bought tomorrow exam’s bit today.

Watch Tintumon in action

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