Adsense Traffic: Turning Web-Traffic in to Adsense Traffic


Turning Traffic in to Adsense Traffic

As you are running the Google-AdSense ads on your site or in your blog for quite a while and you feel that you aren't making as much cash as you could, in 99.99% of cases you're right. Most people feel frustrated that they cannot generate the revenues they expected through adsense, and this is down to traffic levels as well as click through rates they recive in their pages or in their adsense ad's.

There are many ways to turn traffic into AdSense traffic and here is a short list of them with a description for each.

The first thing that you need to do is tune up your site's contents. While for some people this is not an option if you are running a forum, most people can make their AdSense sites as cash cows.

To begin with converting your adsense traffic, you should find out what your site keywords are. This is a basic technique in SEO 'aka' search engine optimization known as keyword density verification. A good tool for this job is SEO Density Analizer.

You should then take this list of words and search the "Overture Search Inventory" or "AdWords Sandbox" to find out what other words could be doing better then what you currently have.

From that point on try to keep your site focused on the things that appear mostly in the keyword suggestions you receive. Try to include those keywords, or at least some related keywords as often as you can in the links on your site.

Because of the way Google AdSense works this is a sure way to increase your earnings because you will get better ads in your AdSense banners, similar to how you would get a better Google PageRank.

Watch What is Google-Page Rank:

It's also important that you continuously add new pages to your site. This is very important, as the more pages you have, the higher the chance is that you will get more hits on your ads.

It is also very important that you choose the appropriate formats for your AdSense banners and the best locations for them. While this is a much wider subject you should generally know that the "top three Google AdSense formats are: 336x280 large rectangle, 300x250 medium rectangle and 160x600 skyscraper."

Make sure you choose the appropriate colors for the ads, as making them too different from your site's content (or just different in a bad way) is sure to make visitors regard them as banners which have nothing to do with the site itself.

Here is the Stupidly Simple SEO #1 Quickest Way To Rank On Google Today! Google Page rank is not a big issue, so keep on building your pages,

Make sure these ads are positioned in a place where they will generate the highest amount of profit. Most times, that location is said to be right before the beginning of your site's actual content.

On pages with a long text body, you might find Adsense-skyscraper ad units to do better, simply because users get exposed to them for more time. Also, for sites with news or similar items, you might find a good position for the adsense codes is to be at the bottom of your content,because that's when people are finished reading your story and are looking for something else to do.

You should use more AdSense units if you have a lot of text on your page. Just make sure not to override it because you might find that you will get a lot lower CTR and lower revenues then you were getting in the first place by employing this technique inappropriately. You can add as many as three units, so use them wisely.

There's a Google AdSense Preview Tool that will let you visualize what ads would get served on your page and it can come in very handy as a testing mechanism.Just make sure you respect the AdSense policy regarding click fraud. As a pointer you could place a picture next to your adds, just make sure to leave some room in between in order to make sure this isn't regarded as encouraging visitors to click the link.

Compared to this, there are more ways to increase AdSense traffic from your site, but these should serve as a good starting point for income maximization.

The above given Adsense traffic image is for reference purpose only and is authorized to the real puplisher of the image.

To know know more about Adsense Traffic and How to optimize adsense go here for more details

Wattch adsense Traffic Optimization here below,

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