Credit Score Vs Dept Clearing: Are they two sides of a coin.


Credit Score Vs Dept Clearing: Are they two sides of a coin.

Saturday, September 18, 2010 | Tags: , , , , ,
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Credit and Dept Consiladation will boost credit score ?
Many people are of the mistaken belief that by simply clearing their debts their credit score will be rated highly and they will have no problems getting credit.
Unfortunately this is not the situation particularly when they have had major problems with debt in the past.

Where there have been problems such as collections or bankruptcy this information can remain on your records for years and even if you have an excellent record of borrowing and repayment in recent times lenders will still see this information when they check your credit reports.

There is nothing you can do about this apart from accepting that it will take time for these issues to disappear.
What you need to do is concentrate on making sure that it never happens again and also to accept that it will be there until removed and you will need to work with it when dealing with any aspects of finance.

Even minor credit problems will remain a scar on your credit score but good financial management will overshadow this if you work consistently in the right direction and make sure you don't make any mistakes along the way no matter how minor they might be.

It is still worthwhile paying off any of these debts because it will be recorded on your credit report that even though you were in default at the time of the loan you have made good since and that shows signs of financial responsibility.

Time will certainly reduce the impact that any major problems will have on your ability to get credit and the further you go from that time the more likely you are to get credit and to get better interest rates on that credit.

Even after you have restored much of your credit score it still pays to keep working at improving it as the better your score is the lower the interest that you will likely be paying and over the term of a loan even a small adjustment in interest can be quite substantial.

Consolidating the Credit& Dept to Improve Credit Score:

Learn the Top 10 Tip's to clear the Dept @ Here

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